Friday 7 January 2011

Focus group feedback

·        Most said that the colour scheme works well and they liked the colours I have used. However 4 people said that the colours needed to be stronger
·        No one said they would change the layout of the front cover or double page spread but a few said that the contents page could be improved as it is quite simple and may need a bit more colour
·         They all said they really liked the main image on the front cover but the image on the contents page was their least favourite
·        All of my focus group thought there were enough images across my magazine and that no more images need to be added
·        My focus group thought that the text fits in well with the images I have used and that the colours blend well together.
·        Everyone said it was easy to read and there were no problems
·        Everyone read through the text and could not spot any obvious mistakes. I also checked this on word
·        Most said that the style is representative of the rock genre. However a few thought that the colours could be darker and the style could be changed slightly to give a more rock and indie feel
·        9 out of 10 of my focus group said that they would be interested in buying the magazine as it appeals to them
·        The overall feedback was that the layout of the double page spread was the best part of the magazine
·        A few people thought that the layout of the contents page could be changed

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