Thursday 18 November 2010

Research-Front cover/contents page 2

NME is a very diffrent style of magazine from Kerrang! and has a diffrent audience therefore many aspects of the cover and contents page are diffrent. However they both follow similar conventions
Front cover-
  • The house colours are red and white. These colours give the magazine a more cheerful feel and make it seem modern and for a wider audience
  • The masthead is large and in bold and bright colours. It is positioned behind the main image
  • There is a main image that takes up the whole of the right side of the magazine. The image is from a low angle and they look powerful and important. They look like a neutral band for fans of all genres of music.
  • The headline is in red and spreads accros the main image. It is large and anchors the image. It stands out on the black background
  • Along the left hand side of the page are the subheadings. They are also in red in bold. Below the headings is a small amont of text in black. It does and do not include any images and so it is not the main focus of the magazine
  • There is a small,black insert in the shape of a circle at the tiop left of the page. It includes a small amout of text. This makes the magazine more interesting
  • As usual there is a bar code and information about issue number and date in the bottom right hand corner
  • The background of the magazine is white. This is unusual and gives the magazine a neutaral feel. 
Contents page-
  • At the top of the contents page, in a black banner is the title. This immediatly tells the reader that it is the contents page
  • Along the right hand side of the page are five seperate headings. This is very similar to Kerrang! magazine. The subheadings stand out as they are in white font on a black background. Under ecah heading is information and page numbers that tell the reader where to find everything in the magazine. 
  • In the centre of the page is a large image> this is thefocus point and is accompined with a paragraph of text. The large image makes this page more attractive. 
  • At the bottom of the page is a promotion for subscription to the magazine. This is another thing that i have found in several contents pages. It is in a black insert and includes images. It grabs your attention
  • Along the left hand side is an index that spreads all the way down the page. The text is very small but is in a red clour so it is redable and more attractive

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