Tuesday 16 November 2010

Research for Main Task- Key terms

I have finished the preliminery task and i am now starting my research and planning for the main task

Music magazine- Is a magazine dedicated to music and music subculture
Connontaion-  the meaning that you infer from what you see. It is like the hidden meaning. example- The colour red makes you think of danger and passion
Denotation-This is what you actually see. what is  the image shown on the page actually is.
Ideology- Represents the ideas about social groups and values. It is the beliefs that we share as a society. Moral values
Audience- A  group of people reading any media text. Audiences are those who the media is aimed at.
Representation- Representation of the British Society or a certain age group or gender. It represents society in a certain way.
Institution- Organisations? newspapers/ newpapers etc. An institution is a group that produces a media product. Example-Kerrang

When thinking about creating my music magazine i will have to keep all these terms in mind and use these definitions to give me an understanding about what a music mag should include

1 comment:

  1. Hello Matt,

    All looking good. I particularly liked the school paper background on your magazine. Very fitting for genre. Looking forward to seeing how genre conventions will be used in your music mag!
